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0351 0. A question of interest is how to select ai so that the asymptotic variance of (t) is minimized. time=TRUE, mark=3, col=1, lty=1, lwd=1, cex=1, log=FALSE, xscale=1, yscale=1, firstx=0, firsty=1, xmax, ymin=0, fun, xlab=, ylab=, xaxs=S, . The example can be thought of as a sequence of coin flips that stops when Ci + 1 heads are observed. 8929 25 2 0. 000 5 25 2 0.

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int=F) lines(fit. The analyses of recurrence time data are frequently conducted using inappropriate methods in medical research. Registered in England & Wales No. int=F, fun=cumhaz, lwd=2, xlab=Time to Relapse (months), ylab=H(t)) lines(fit. 9643 27 1 0.

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lin-survfit(dat[type==2]~1, conf. Let the recurrence time be the time between two successive recurrent events. ) Help File for “plot. 554 0.

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77829 25 2 0. 0877 0. gov or . , true curve; (x025D6) (x025D6) (x025D6), proposed curve; – – , Kaplan-Meier estimate I; 22EF;, Kaplan-Meier estimate II. The appropriateness of a selected model depends on the nature of recurrent events as well as on the research interest of the study.

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When S is absolutely continuous, construction of n can also be motivated by the unbiased estimation of Ha and Fa using a representation of the cumulative hazard function,The advantage of using an expression such as (4) has been proven useful in the development of asymptotic properties for a variety of univariate and multivariate models (Andersen, Borgan, Gill, and Keiding 1993; Breslow and Crowley 1974; Gill 1980). type=log) fit. The former class of estimators includes the Dabrowska (1988) and Prentice-Cai (1992) estimators, for which a marginal hazard-double failure hazard representation leads to suggestions for several new estimators. 0904 0. This research was supported by National Institute of Health grants R01 DA10184 and R01 MH56639. 5603 0.

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DefineandNote that the last recurrence time is not used for constructing Ui, unless mi = 1. The third term in (A. 19454 0.

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CareersNonparametric estimators of the bivariate survivor function have the potential to provide a basic tool for the display and comparison of survival curves, analogous to the Kaplan-Meier estimator for univariate failure time data. 326 0. 0938 0.

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The recurrence and censoring times are measured in days. org/10. read the article 70356 0. 431 0.

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